about Sheila
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about Sheila

Kundalini Activation | Transformation Station| Dream & Birth Doula | Womb Healing | Guidance & Mentorships | Empowerment | The Feminine Path

Doula | Pregnancy Coach | Parent Coach | Conscious Conception | Birthkeeper | Women Empowerment | Mindfulness


Welcome, I am Sheila a pregnancy and birth Coach, women Coach, Doula and parent educator offering complete mind, body and soul support.

I am a caregiver, a nurturer and servant supporting women on their journey to wholeness, understanding and selflove.

Choosing a path of regaining your emotional, psychological and spiritual birthright.
I share the tools and wisdom from my own journey with you while assisting you to transform into the whole and empowered woman that you truly are.
After I studied the macro- and microeconomic system for years I continued my path by focusing on the smallest, yet most important part of the system, the families.

Seeing what is needed and missing, feeling what we need to grow up healthy, safe and loved. For years I was working in that field as a families and children therapist – helping to create healthy families.

As I was going deeper and deeper I started longing for working even more at the roots of our society.

Being a Doula, supporting women before, during and after pregnancy and during labor is nourishing that longing and fulfilling my heart.

Helping you to connect with yourself and your baby. Nourishing you and taking care of your needs, mothering you as the mother.

As a women empowerment Coach I am assisting you on your individual journey to feeling more balanced, safe and connected to yourself.

As every path is different and we are all starting from a different state of growth,

I welcome you to contact me for individual further information.

Parent education is Key for a healthy society.

In private consultations I take care of your needs as a parent.

Together we will be working on creating a harmonious family life.

For any further informations or questions ,

I warmly welcome you to contact me.


Love Sheila